Your results matter. You can track and measure hundreds of metrics, but in the end there is only one metric that matters – revenue. With a successful background in sales, account management, and marketing, Coringa is uniquely positioned to help you focus on increasing revenues. We can help your organization develop, deploy, and optimize the most effective marketing tactics to help you grow your business. With great planning, creative thinking, and persistence, Coringa will help you identify your audience, get their attention, engage with them, and solve their problems by purchasing your solutions.


An effective marketing strategy is one that provides a roadmap for what is to be done, who will do it, when they will do it, and what results you expect as the strategy is deployed. In other words, it’s your game plan for hitting your marketing goals. Simply put, you must have a marketing strategy. Otherwise, you are just “doing a bunch of stuff.”

Far too often we find that companies struggle to articulate their marketing strategy. They have no trouble providing information on their logo, their tagline, their preferred company colors and fonts, and a list of collateral and other assets. While necessary, having all of these elements does not mean you have a marketing strategy. The strategy serves as the “how” for connecting with prospects and turning them into customers.

Coringa Consulting works with companies on building a winning strategy to accomplish three primary goals. The underlying foundation of your marketing strategy should focus on:

    1. Identifying your audience
    2. Getting their attention
    3. Solving their problems

Whether you have no strategy, need a new strategy, or need help identifying where to adjust your current strategy, Coringa Consulting can help. Contact Us.

An effective lead generation program encourages your audience to learn, consider their options, and engage with sales at the appropriate time increasing the likelihood of a sale. The key to a successful lead generation program is to have participation from marketing, sales development, and sales. Each department has unique goals for their part of the process, but they must have a shared focus on the ultimate objective, which is to fill a healthy sales pipeline with high quality sales opportunities.

Important Aspects of a Successful Lead Generation Program:

    • One shared definition of a sales leads
    • Lead qualification parameters and processes defined
    • Target market defined and segmented
    • Frequent communication between departments
    • Tracking, monitoring, and reporting on results
    • Periodic program audits

Your lead generation program results matter. Coringa Consulting can help you create a program that produces more leads, better leads, and the ability to scale as you close more sales. Contact Us.


lead generation campaigns


marketing campaign management services

There are several different types and styles of marketing campaigns for B2B companies to deploy. To determine which type of marketing campaign you should be running, you must first determine the main purpose of the effort. You can think of them according to which point in the traditional marketing funnel you need results. Is your goal to have an impact on the top, middle, or bottom of the funnel?

Top-of-the-funnel marketing campaigns are intended to expand your reach and increase the number of new prospects that enter your marketing funnel. These campaigns are all about awareness. They are meant for capturing prospects who are very early in their buying process. In other words, top-of-the-funnel campaigns are designed to inform prospects of your existence. This can be done with gated content, thought leadership content, events, social media interactions, or paid placement.

Middle-of-the funnel marketing campaigns are designed to further engage and encourage prospects to advance toward a buying decision. These efforts focus on aligning the prospects’ challenges with your solutions fostering consideration. These campaigns help to sustain interest and nurture prospects with more personalized, customized messaging based on their industry, their job, and their unique needs. Through increased interactions and capturing more information, companies can prioritizing which prospects should receive more attention and effort, and which should not.

Bottom-of-the-funnel marketing campaigns are focused on helping sales close deals. By this point in their journey, prospects are fully aware of your solutions, how your solutions can solve their challenges, and understand the benefits of implementation. It’s time for a decision. They may require some assistance to get approval from others on the buying committee before they can make a purchase. These campaigns leverage case studies, live demonstrations, solution comparisons, and cost-benefit analysis data. Typically, this stage is handled by sales, with some assistance as needed.

We offer marketing campaign management so that you can focus on the daily tactics to close more sales. We can help with the planning, execution, monitoring, and adjusting of your marketing campaigns to ensure the best results.

Email marketing is the most cost effective prospecting method for B2B companies to deploy. Yes, despite several years of so-called experts declaring the death of email, it remains the most efficient method for communicating with target audiences. As with many other marketing strategies, companies tend to launch email marketing efforts without the benefit of a well-designed plan. Unfortunately, as the old saying goes, “garbage in, garbage out.”

To avoid email marketing failure, companies should be aware of the research and studies that outline what works and why. Email marketers must continually test, monitor, adjust, and refine their approach to improve campaign results.

With email campaigns, results fall into one of two categories – activity and action. Action is what matters.

Some examples of activity include:

  • opens
  • clicks
  • unsubscribes

Some examples of action include:

  • email replies
  • form completions
  • scheduled meetings

Backed by more than two decades of experience, we provide comprehensive email marketing services tailored to your unique needs. We have a heightened understanding of email best practices and the nuances within various industries. The campaigns we design focus on generating quality conversions (actions) rather than high volume, low interest activities.


email marketing services


account based marketing service

Account Based Marketing (ABM), also known as key account marketing, is a strategy that is based on highly focused, deliberate efforts to generate business from a small set of targeted accounts within a specific market segment. The concept calls for personalized outreach campaigns within target accounts and requires coordination and engagement with an assigned sales rep.

Account Based Marketing is for:

    • Targeting a handful of key accounts
    • Big ticket sales
    • Closing deals with highly prized brands
    • Big buying decisions made by committee

Contrary to most other marketing strategies, ABM is a preferred method for targeting a small number of prized customers. Rather than casting a wide net, then narrowing your audience over time, this strategy is designed to make inroads with a very small number of contacts, then expand the awareness, interest and consideration of multiple stakeholders within each account.

This particular strategy is most effective for companies that have a very well-defined prospect and an excellent understanding of their needs. Often, the customer accounts are larger, more matured, and sometimes already have a competing solution in place.

Due to the laser focus on highly prized accounts, the ABM method is not easily scalable. Instead, ROI is achieved because of the larger financial reward per closed sale.

Read the Success Story about How Coringa Helped Cognosos Implement Account Based Marketing to generate very high quality sales leads.

Content is king. Without content, marketing is impossible. With so much content “noise” it is important to provide informational, educational content in a wide variety of formats and styles. Today, organizations need to provide blogs, white papers, social media content, videos and live webinars. We help our clients “get the right message, to the right person, at the right time.”

Content Marketing involves the curation, creation and sharing of online information primarily for the purposes of educating a specific audience, demonstrating credibility and stimulating interest in subject matter that relates to available products or services.

Content comes in a wide variety of formats, such as blog posts, videos, infographics, social media posts, white papers, industry reports, and case studies. However you define your overall Marketing Strategy, it is impossible to imagine any tactics that do not involve content.

With smart phones, social media and unlimited resources for today’s customers, it is important to have meaningful content that is delivered in an easy-to-consume media and provides helpful suggestions and answers for solving their problems.

Coringa Consulting has developed a winning formula to help you transition from traditional content to customer-centric content that includes elements, such as:

    • A storyline with your audience as the hero
    • Practical resolutions to common issues shared by your audience
    • A focus on helping, not selling
    • Encouragement to interact with you
    • Invitation to solve their problems

Read the Success Story on how Competitive Solutions, Inc. was able to deploy a comprehensive Content Marketing Strategy to generate more sales leads.


content marketing services



What is a brand, exactly? A brand is the name, symbol, colors, fonts, and design elements that combine to convey a particular “image” of your company, product, or service. Your brand is the artistic supplement to the story you tell with your content. So, yes, it is the “art” piece to the overall marketing puzzle. However, there is a lot of science that goes into this artistic frosting on your marketing cake.

Often overlooked, proper branding is essential to telling your story. The human brain is designed to process and interpret imagery and color to make determinations about perceived value. Branding that enhances your story will trigger emotions and ensure you will be remembered.

When done properly, branding ties together and strengthens what you have to say to your audience. Not everyone can fully understand or explain good branding, but most of us can spot terrible branding when we see it. So, how is that possible?

Key considerations in Branding include:

    • Names
    • Colors
    • Symbols
    • Fonts
    • Supporting images

The human brain is designed to store, sort, and tag imagery to be recalled later. We, as a culture add meaning to color, sound, smells and even fonts. We process an image we see 60,000 times faster than a written description of the same image. So, it is important to get it right!

In Marketing, branding can make difference between a positive customer experience and a negative one. And, just like with first impressions, it can be nearly impossible to overcome if poor branding alienates your audience. Coringa can help you build upon and strengthen your brand.

Read a Success Story about how Coringa Consulting helped FinTech start up FINOSEC revamp their branding while building a new website.

Delivering live webinars has become a highly effective tool for B2B organizations over the last decade. Webinars, when done correctly, allow you to capture an audience, establish trust, and generate high quality sales leads to fill your pipeline.

Great webinars are like great movies or theatrical performances. On the surface, you are delivering an art form. In reality, there is a lot of science that goes into leveraging webinars to promote your company’s products and services.

With more than a decade of delivering highly successful webinars, Coringa Consulting is able to partner with you, coach you, and help you master live webinars to grow your following, tell meaningful stories, demonstrate your unique solutions and ultimately generate sales leads to grow your business.

What you get by partnering with Coringa:

    • Creative, compelling event titles
    • Eye catching presentations
    • Event promotion strategies
    • Live, interactive webinar hosting
    • Capture audience intel
    • Sales follow up strategies

It seems like everyone is doing webinars, but very few are seeing the results they would like. There is a real science behind creating, promoting and delivering effective webinars to generate leads. We have mastered webinars. We can help you master webinars, too.


live webinars for prospecting