HubSpot is one of the most widely used marketing automation platforms. Originally designed for running a comprehensive inbound marketing strategy, the platform continues to evolve and expand. Users can run full-cycle operations with the addition of a CRM, a Sales Hub, Service Hub, a CMS, and an Operations Hub.

It’s a powerful technology. But unless you unlock it’s full potential, HubSpot is nothing more than another piece of expensive technology in your stack. To maximize your ROI with HubSpot, you need an experienced expert to set up, configure, customize, and optimize it. That’s where we come in. With our HubSpot knowledge and real-world experience we know what it takes to make HubSpot work for you.

When implementing HubSpot, the first thing you should do is forget about HubSpot. Yes, put the platform aside and focus on getting all the necessary parts in place so that your onboarding and implementation are effective and successful.

The pre-HubSpot preparations are arguably more important than the platform itself. There are many things to consider and failing to account for even one item on the to do list can lead to a MarTech meltdown.

With a platform agnostic approach, we help clients develop on onboarding plan to ensure proper use and adoption. We work with clients to develop a phased rollout that includes formal training and personalized coaching. Some of what we deliver includes:

  • target market research
  • ideal customer profile development
  • prospect persona development
  • a pain-to-asset messaging matrix
  • buyers’ journey mapping
  • recommendations for industry focus, segmentation, and prioritization
  • an implementation timeline with milestones and goals

Coringa Consulting subscribes to the theory that “if you fail to prepare, then prepare to fail.” With our guidance, your HubSpot implementation has a greater chance of long-term success.



HubSpot is created to be userfriendly, yet you can‘t just log in and start using it right away. You must set it up, configure it, and customize it to fit your needs. In theory, every new customer goes through an onboarding phase. In fact, HubSpot makes onboarding a requirement for new customers.

The purpose of onboarding is to get your account set up and your users ready to use it. With the best of intentions, HubSpot offers onboarding services that align with whichever hubs you have purchased. Unfortunately, this 90-day program leaves much to be desired. The bulk of new account onboarding is self-directed. The HubSpotter assigned to assist you is there to support you with regard to how the tools works. And the online training options are all within the context of their preferred methodologies. Therein lies the problem. Your onboarding needs are unique, so a one-size-fits-all approach is not sufficient.

Coringa’s HubSpot Onboarding Services include:

  • Account creation, foundational settings, creation of users and teams
  • Guidance on platform migrations and/or integrations
  • Best practice recommendations for customizing hubs, properties, and views
  • Tips, tricks, and templates to help you save time as you build your account
  • Hands on training on how to create lists, emails, landing pages, workflows, sequences, and more

Coringa Consulting is a HubSpot Service Provider. We have well-established relationships with HubSpot Partner agencies, such as Three Ventures and Growth Orbit. We are very active in the HubSpot community and can even help you find in-house HubSpot talent to maintain your account after onboarding is complete.

HubSpot account audits give you an opportunity to get an unbiased opinion on what can be done to improve your results. When Coringa performs an audit, we assess your situation within the context of four key components, including:

  • Contacts
  • Communication
  • Content
  • Customer Journey

Upon conclusion of the audit, clients receive an audit report that highlights specific findings and includes a roadmap for improvements. The report findings are framed within the following context:

  • What you are doing well
  • Areas for improvement
  • Recommended best practices
  • Questions to consider before making changes

HubSpot is an excellent platform because it is flexible, customizable, and scalable. Yet, many organizations aren’t achieving the results they would like. To get the most out of your HubSpot account you need to have a firm grasp on the technology, your processes, and your people’s use of the system. Coringa’s HubSpot audit services give you the information you need to make some very important decisions.



Many HubSpot users come to a point following their onboarding and implementation when they ask themselves, “do I need to hire a HubSpot consultant, a new employee with HubSpot experience, or can someone on my existing team handle HubSpot?”  The answer is “yes.”  In other words, there are a few options for you. No two situations are identical, so what’s best for you and your company may not work out for someone else. Ultimately, someone needs to manage and maintain your HubSpot instance.

What we encounter most often is one of two common scenarios. The first being that a company had a dedicated HubSpot account manager on their team, but that person is no longer with the company. This usually causes some amount of concern if not full on panic. That’s understandable. This happens all the time. So if it has happened to you, let’s not panic. Let’s discuss how we can assist you for the short term while you decide between hiring a new employee that already has HubSpot experience or training an existing employee. Whichever you choose we can step in and assist you with HubSpot administration, maintenance, and support for the near future.

The other situation we see quite often is when a company has been using HubSpot for a significant amount of time and they begin to question it’s value. This curiosity may be coming from someone in a leadership position or perhaps following a tech stack audit. Either way, it shouldn’t be too difficult to ascertain. If you’re using HubSpot to send one-size-fits-all mass emails once a month you aren’t getting much value. If you use HubSpot to deliver highly customized communication to individuals based on their persona, job role, industry, and lifecycle stage as they advance down your funnel into a deals pipeline, then you probably are getting tangible value from HubSpot.

Coringa Consulting is a HubSpot Service Provider. We have well-established relationships with HubSpot Partner agencies, such as Three Ventures and Growth Orbit. We are very active in the HubSpot community and can even help you find in-house HubSpot talent to maintain your account after onboarding is complete.

HubSpot Marketing Hub is the flagship solution of the platform. With Marketing Hub, users have the ability to capture, segment, and qualify prospects into sales opportunities efficiently and at scale. To build an effective lead generation machine you have to configure, customize, and optimize the hub. This can take some considerable time to accomplish.

There are many moving parts that have to be coordinated, including:

  • Your Data – contact and company records will need to be configured
  • Data Governance – list logic for segmentation, workflows for automating data hygiene, de-duplication processes
  • Lead Qualification Parameters – ICP, persona, industry, engagement level, actions taken, lead scoring
  • Marketing Emails – templates, styles, outreach vs. follow up, automated vs. manual
  • Content and Assets – SEO optimized landing pages, downloadable documents, videos
  • Campaigns – cold email outreach, nurtures, drips, social media, live events
  • A/B Testing – real-world proof of what works
  • Analytics and Reports – detailed data, comparisons, in-depth analysis

Coringa Consulting works with clients on identifying ways to improve marketing results using HubSpot Marketing Hub. We help clients do more of what works and less of what doesn’t. We can help you generate more inbound leads, encourage those leads to engage with your team, and allow sales to remain focused on high value accounts who are most likely to buy.



After Marketing Hub, HubSpot’ Sales Hub is their second most popular and continues to grow in popularity. By adding this hub, customers have the ability to track leads throughout their entire customer journey. Sales Hub allows your sales development and sales teams to connect with more prospects without working overtime or losing focus.

Coringa Consulting helps clients customize and configure Sales Hub’s functions, such as:

  • Automated Lead Scoring – accounts receive scores based on prospect behaviors
  • Sales Email Sequences – automate outreach designed to prioritize follow up activities
  • Tasks Management – assign, monitor, and report on tasks to be sure reps keep pace with their efforts
  • Schedule Meetings – automated scheduling for discovery calls, product demos, and contract negotiations
  • Live Chat – real time engagement with leads who visit your website
  • Integration with other Platforms – synchronize data between HubSpot and other tech in your sales tech stack

Coringa Consulting is a HubSpot Service Provider that understands the needs and challenges sales leaders face. We help our clients gain increased visibility into sales and marketing effectiveness, streamline sales processes, foster interdepartmental collaboration, and ultimately increase sales revenue – all in one powerful platform.

HubSpot CMS comes with extensive resources and support to help businesses get the most out of their website. It comes with detailed analytics and reporting so customers can track and measure their website’s success. Designed to be intuitive and user friendly, HubSpot CMS users can leverage a large developer community’s themes and templates so non-technical account admins can create and maintain beautiful and highly functional websites.

Our clients are able to improve their SEO and improve page visitor experiences with CMS’s SEO and Content Optimization tools. CMS comes with the amazing ability to deliver highly customized, unique web visitor experiences based on the visitor’s profile and previous behaviors. HubSpot CMS is designed to be fully responsive, so businesses can ensure their website looks great on any device.

Coringa Consulting can help you create a website strategy that aligns with your sales and marketing processes. We can elevate your digital presence to attract new leads, capture their contact details, and connect them with the right people on your team.



HubSpot reports can be built to display a wide range of data across the entire platform. Accounts come with several out-of-the-box reports. Users can begin with the basics, modify them for their needs, or create their own custom reports from scratch.

HubSpot dashboards are an efficient way to organize related reports. They allow you to review or compare your data to help you make educated decisions. You can create a dashboard for a particular purpose and customize the reports to suit your own needs. You can even change the visibility of a dashboard to control visibility of other users in your HubSpot account. 

Coringa can help you discover the data that really matters so you can continually improve your results.

Reports and dashboards can be difficult to configure. There’s so much available data that you may need a guide to help you wade through the noise to get to the most important bits of data. Coringa Consulting can help you get the most use of HubSpot’s reports and dashboards.